When training for a marathon, we mostly work on building "endurance" especially during the weekend workouts. That means low heart rate (HR) and breathing rate. Mid-week we can add some high HR work.
This weekend is about endurance, as usual, but we will build
strength by adding a long hill (if you’re not joining us at LARR, you can find a hill on your route). Keep in mind, it is all about low HR at easy intensity, not high HR, which means you need to significantly slow down your easy pace as you go up. Goal paces become meaningless with hills.
Run/Walkers will need to alter their ratio of walking and running. Just because your watch says it is time to run, does not mean you have to, especially on an uphill. Focus instead on HR. Walkers, if you need to get your HR down, stop and take a break, then continue.
In terms of form on hills, shorten and quicken your stride (steps) on the way up and especially on the way down. Also, on the way down, pick your feet up and land gently, in a much quicker rhythm, to reduce pounding. If you go down a hill with the same form as you use on flat land, you will experience way more pounding in your legs and feet.
The Los Angeles Marathon has hills, especially within the first six miles - and the Rose Bowl Half has plenty in the first 3 miles! Get used to slowing way down on hills so you can enjoy them on race day. Have an inspired workout!
David Levine LARR Head Coach
P.S. This weekend, Optimum Nutrition will have samples to share at LARR!
ONLINE COACH CHAT THURSDAYS AT 6:30PM Join Coach David for this weekly conversation and Q&A.
ENTER: through the gate on Wilshire (close to Ocean Ave). PARK: free on Alta or Palisades. Watch for permit only signs. Main Library Lot (off 7th) is $1/hr or City Lot #2 (on 2nd) has 90 min free.
PARKING: some parking on campus or for a small fee at the Civic Center Lot across the street.
WHAT: 3-5 mile workouts for walkers and runners. Multiple groups.
We will have member tshirts available for pick up at all three locations on 11/16-17 - for those who have not picked up yet.
Race singlets (tank style) will be available later in the season.
BLOG: IT BAND STRETCHES The illiotibial band or IT band (ITB) is a thickening of the fascia at the outside of the thigh that starts at the top of the hip and inserts below the knee. It helps stabilize the knee while standing on one leg through tightening the tensor fascia latae (TFL) muscle. It can become tight through repetitive motions such as running or biking
and with weakness at the glute muscles.